Christine Shin
“The determination to uphold the reputation of Montessori and to demonstrate the many benefits a child can gain within it drove Christine to pursue her dream of opening up her own school. This resulted in Just Montessori Inc.”
Born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Christine has been in the Montessori field for over 15 years. Having graduated from an ECE (Early Childhood Education) certification program and being eager to teach, Christine soon discovered Montessori. With a passion for and love of teaching, she studied at the Toronto Montessori Teacher Training Institute. She began working in the classroom in 2004/2005.
After working in Edmonton for 3 years, Christine realized that there was a genuine need for teachers with MACTE (Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education) qualifications, in part due to other inadequate training programs that also use the name “Montessori”: The convenience of online correspondence courses in place of face-to-face full-year programs are far too frequently passed as a “qualified Montessori teaching degree.” MACTE, on the other hand, focuses on the specific high standards of authentic Montessori education as envisioned by Dr. Montessori and her successors.